Boot Camp | Commissioning Day | See You At The Pole


DAY 10: Everyone's Battle

For young men, the challenge is addiction to pornography. For young ladies, the challenge is emotional dependency. Being free from pornography (movies, magazines, website pictures, or music) and being free from emotional dependency (poor dating relationships, internet chatrooms, allowing yourself to be used) starts with thinking about the consequences. Think about the future. Focusing on this area will not only help to live pure, positive, powerful lives for God, but your future marriage will also benefit.

Pray PillarI made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl. “For what is man's lot from God above, his heritage from the Almighty on high?” Job 31:1-2


  • Anytime you are tempted, write a letter to your future spouse. If you have lustful thoughts for the next 10 days, write 10 letters. Write a letter each day that you have a controlling temptation (not just a moment of temptation, but when the temptation begins to control you).

Growing numbers of American men and women are admitting that they struggle with a variety of sexual temptations, but few know where to turn for honest answers and practical help. With prayer, Scripture, and the help of other believers, self-control in this area can be possible. If you think you have this problem, please visit or for suggestions.

For Your Journal
What happened today? Did you need to write a letter?