Boot Camp | Commissioning Day | See You At The Pole


Day 2: "4:29" Your Administrator

Bless Pillar“4:29“ is a code word taken from Ephesians 4:29 for building somebody up with your words and/or actions.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29


  • Write an administrator a note of appreciation. Thank your principal for “See You At The Pole.” The administrators have a tough job and rarely do they get any notes of thanks. Hand deliver the note, drop the note off at the school office, or mail it.
  • If you know one of the administrators, you might feel comfortable asking them if you could pray for them and any needs at the school.
  • Be sincere and honest. Don't say anything that isn't true. Think about how the school is a better place because of the leadership of the administrator you've chosen to write to.

If you work, write a note of appreciation to your boss. If you don’t work then write a note to someone of importance to you.

For Your Journal
What happened today? Who did you write to? What did you say? Any reactions?