Boot Camp | Commissioning Day | See You At The Pole


DAY 30: Start it up

Make a statement today that you believe in God by demonstrating God's love. Start up a conversation with someone whom the student body labels an "outcast." While you probably won't be required to give your life for someone, there are plenty of sacrificial things you can do for others. Find a way to love others outside of your "comfort zone."
Bless Pillar
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13: 34-35


  • Be friendly. Ask this person if you can sit with him/her for lunch. Show genuine interest and get to know him/her. Don't be too obvious… nobody wants to be told that they're thought of as an "outcast."
  • Give attention to people who are lonely or feel like an outcast for different reasons. They may be new to the school. They may have a handicap of some kind. They may have had kids make fun of them for some reason. For example: looks, dress, race, etc.

You know someone who is considered an "outcast" or "different." Make a statement by demonstrating God's love to them by talking to them, spending time with them or by having lunch with them.

For Your Journal
What happened today? Who did you sit with today? Did you make someone feel better about themselves? Today's assignment is very important.